Professional Development

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Madison School of Professional Development

Professional Certificates

MSPD and our international network of partners and providers offer a wide variety of professional certificates. You can improve your skills and knowledge through our self-guided, online certificates. You can earn college credit with one of our international partner universities. Or, perhaps you’re visiting today and interested in one of our TESOL partner programs in your home country.
To learn more about how an MSPD professional certificate can enrich your life and advance your career, visit our Partners or browse our online offerings by visiting our Certificates page.

School of Professional Development

The Madison School of Professional Development (MSPD) offers a diverse set of professional development and personal growth certificate offerings, trainings, webinars, and resources. Whether you are looking for CEUs, some professional growth, or a membership to a professional organization that can help you network, improve your desirability in the job market, and learn—MSPD is for you! Our purpose is to provide high quality, timely, and cost effective personal and professional development opportunities to working professionals. Our mission is to provide a diverse set of highly sought after and affordable professional development opportunities and certifications to advance careers and promote life long learning.

MSPD Membership

Joining a professional organization has many benefits. Belonging to a professional organization allows members to network and engage other professionals. You’ll also have access to wide range of training and resume building opportunities. MSPD membership is only $15.99 a month and includes:
+ Access to our library of professional resources, online tutorials, and webinars
+ Discounts on our most popular online and in person certifications
+ Access to three mini-certificate offerings each month
Why wait? To become a member, simply Apply Online and begin enjoying your membership benefits right away!